Our mission, a goal to reach and surpass
To start out as a bible believing Christ home church. Not just to be Christians, but to be a family united by the blood
of our precious Saviour.
We are to adhere to the Word of God and its teaching and lessons. We are to be guided by it and abide true to God, Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit, to ourselves, our family, our neighbors and our country. Not joining in with the world, but to
be separated from, a city of refuge, a place where one can come to God without the filth of the world.
To take the gospel of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world, in our families and
our neighbors, to the uttermost part of the earth, by our church, evangelist, by missionaries, How beautiful are the feet
of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
The time is short, while we have time, Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with
all longsuffering and doctrine. Allow God to work in our hearts, work in our homes, to be perfected and to edify the body
of Christ, Our work of the ministry is to preach the Word of God, whether the flesh likes it or not, to change ourselves for
His service and not change God to our service.
To minister the Word of God to others, praising the Lord Jesus Christ and having the Holy Spirit fill us in the work of
nursing homes, prisons, street meetings, door knocking, passing out tracts, to the many open doors that God will allow if
we be willing to go…
Never be like or an ensample of the world. We are not of the world as Jesus said. The world will hate us, but we love
the soul of the lost to reach them. We will not adhere to their music, programs, or style or methods of assembly. The Christian
is called out of the world, so we need not to return.
The God of the Bible is our God, His Son, Jesus Christ died for our sins, a risen Saviour is whom we serve. The Holy Spirit
of God indwells in a person when he is born-again, receiving Jesus Christ as his Saviour. Signs were for Israel, we are not
a carnal church. God has given us a infallible word, called The King James 1611 A.V. Bible, it is not the near perfect Word
of God but the perfect Word of God. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect and thoroughly furnished unto all good
works. We will not adulterate it!