We are to take the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the city of Norwich.
Our street ministry has been at the Courthouse, Downtown Norwich and new spot on the greens near Norwich Free Academy.
We have been active in placing gospel tracts and Church information on front doors of homes in the Greenville section.
We have found a new place to stand along the road side with our gospel signs, Rte 97 and I-395 at
the commuter lot. We will try to get pictures of our work for the Lord. In Occum, does any one know the story of the Christian
Indian named Occum, see our Link page for...
As of June 14, 2009 I have began a ministry at the Gates CI in East Lyme. This work will need lots of prayers and volunteers.
Right now its once a month, but we can grow with God's help. Prison has such a vast "fruit cake" religious services not approved
by God, lets bring them the way, the truth and the life...
Church News
We have had a controversy with the campus security on our first week of Norwich Free Academy, it will need much
work and prayers to continue to get tracts and our gospel signs to the younger generation of America.
All is legal and we will be there periodically.
We are no longer at the Norwich Courthouse, the legal eagles there has forced us out. That is ok, God will take care,
reap what you sow. We found a newer better spot, look for us downtown, on Main Street. The traffic island at Main and Franklin
Streets. Soon hope to add pictures, from there.
Wonder a hot dog vendor can stay, but there is no room at the inn for Jesus Christ!